Posts tagged ‘mysql python connection python-mysql api’

July 10, 2008

Connecting python to mysql


Python, and mysql are installed and working. So you should be able to connect mysql and start python from shell as below.

%> mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -p

%> python

On python prompt if following command does not produce an error that means python-mysql api can load without problems;

>>> import MySQLdb

If it produces error as shown below that most probably means that python-mysqldb (python MySQL api) is not installed properly.

“Traceback (most recent call last):
File ”
“, line 1, in
import MySQLDb
ImportError: No module named MySQLDb”


On my Ubuntu system I uninstalled and installed python-mysql api by running

%> sudo apt-get remove python-mysql
%> sudo apt-get install python-mysql

This fixed the problem. If you still get error, try purge.

%> sudo apt-get –purge remove python-mysql

If mysql is not installed on the default path then make sure mysql_config is in the your path.

%> export PATH=$PATH:/path_to_mysql_config

If it still does not solve the issue and you decide to remove mysql completely and reinstall it. I found using Synaptic Package Manager is much easier as it automatically installs all dependencies along.
Assuming (hopefully) by now python and mysql is working fine.

Working with python-mysql:

import MySQLdb
cn = MySQLdb.connect (
host = “localhost”,
user = “dbuser”,
passwd = “password”,
db = “play”
cr = cn.cursor()

#””” lets you span multiple rows

create table if not exists state (
name varchar(40),
abbr char(2))
Insert into state
(‘New York’,’NY’),
(‘New Jersey’,’NJ’),
(‘Maryland’, ‘MD’),
(‘Washington’, ‘WA’)

cr.execute(“Select * from state”)
while 1:
row = cr.fetchone()
if row == None:
print “%s –> %s” % (row[0], row[1]

Python & mysql are real fun!